

I love drawing since i study at kindergarten. Hence, i had been learn the skill of drawing 16 years ago. Art is divided into several category such as sketch, water color, poster color, oil paint, arcrylic paint, marker pen draw, chinese paint and so on. Below are some of my artworks.


This artwork is one of my sketching work. This is a well-known drama actor who called Di Li Re Ba. She is a China actor. This artwork is completed in 2018. It is considered my latest artwork because I am busy with my homework assigned by my lecturer this year. I spent around 1 hours to capture the exact size and line, 2 hours to shade the entire tone, 1 hours to sketch the details. Total spending time on this work was around 4 hours. I am enjoying while drawing her because she is pretty and this make me delight.

Water Color Painting

This artwork is one of my water color painting work. I painted it in 2017. That time I still study in secondary school and I am just 16 year-old. I took around 2/3 hours to complete it. I forgot the exact time because it is an artwork painted few years ago. Actually it is a quite simple water color practice. But i like it the most because at first I thought I can't draw it but my Art Teacher give me supports and believe I can do it. Finally, I completed it just within few hours. That is the reason why I like it the most.

Poster Color painting

This is my artwork that won in art competition. I take around 3 days to complete it. The theme is "My Superhero". Whenever it saw this theme, I chose the beast as my Superhero without a doubt. It is because I very love the movie "The beauty and the beast". The beast is the most kind, brave, and lovely one in this drama. In the first day, I try to get my idea about what and how to draw my superhero out. The second day, I started sketch. The third day, I stared using poster color to paint it.

Chinese Ink Painting

This is one of my Chinese ink paintings artwork. My art teacher never teach us how to draw an chinese ink artwork but I very keen on this kind of drawing. After secondary school got holidays ( December 2018 ), so I decide to learn how to draw it by myself. After purchasing all the apparatus and materials needed, I started make copies of famous masterpieces. The name of this artwork is called "Ju Shan Tu".

Arcrylic Painting

This is one of my arcrylic artworks. I still remember that I had draw this during Chinese New Year in 2018. I seldom hanging out with friends because my parents are very strict. Usually, I have nothing to do during festivals. Hence, all my drawing materials and tools are my best friends.

Oil Painting

This artwork was created by using oil paint method. Since oil paint materials and the canvas needed are very expensive,I seldom paint by using this method. Although I seldom do oil painting, but I like it the most. Oil painting usually take a long time in order to complete it. Some artists even paint it for a year. I spent 2 weeks to complete this. The cost of this artwork is about $100. The purpose of drawing this is for sale, I earn about $2000 from this artwork.